Extended hours trading for US equities
Understand how orders are managed during pre-market and after-hours
Extended Hours trading
Regular trading hours for US equity markets are between 9:30 am and 4 pm ET Monday to Friday. Extended hours trading is available before the market opens and after the market closes so instead of waiting for the next day's trading session, full extended hours enables traders to make automated trades by reacting to news and events such as acquisitions, mergers, or earnings reports that are not released during normal market hours.
Pre-market: 4:00am - 9:30am ET
After-hours: 4:00pm - 8:00pm ET
With full extended hours trading, you gain the flexibility and support to trade thousands of U.S. listed securities but please note, to participate in a full extended hour session only limit orders are accepted on whole shares.
Key feature details
Full extended hours session available from 4 am to 8 pm ET Monday to Friday
During a half-day trading session, the extended session is from 4 am to 5 pm ET
Extended hours trading is currently only available for US exchange-listed securities
Orders should be for an integer amount of shares i.e whole shares
Find out more
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Last updated
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